
● All contestants are required to present a valid student identification card.
● Contestants are advised not to discuss the problems they are assigned with other contestants.
● Referee will be assigned to observe teams throughout the contest and report any problems and/or violations of the rules to the Contest Committee.
● Any violation of rules will subject to elimination of contestant.

Programming Environment
● Each team should bring their individual laptops and must write and test their programs on that machine, wholly within the contest room.
● Each team is requested to bring one switch box / extension box.
● Each team can have a maximum of 3 members.
● We encourage you to bring any tools you need to complete the tasks.
● Contestants may use any technology on the selected theme.
● Contestants may not seek hints and/or ask for leads during the contest.
● At least one team member should always be engaged with implementations.
● Food and snacks will be provided.
● Accommodation for final contestants will be provided only on 22nd March.

Evaluation of Contestants' Programs
● All the teams will be given the problem statement to solve based on the theme and domain selected.
● Experts will review the implementation and will ask the participants to make changes.
● The Contest Committee will tally the scores for each team and publish the winners. The Contest Committee's decision in all matters is final.
